Reviews For A Dangerous Woman

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Reviewer: Claudje (Signed)
22/11/15 - 01:31 pm
Another great story.. I read about 75 stories about j/c from different writers but your by far my favorite writer
Chapter 1
Reviewer: Ademia (Anonymous)
21/06/11 - 11:37 am

First i'm sorry for my english.

this story is wonderful!!.

it had everything! when i finish a part of it, and end a problem, then appear another, and another! i like that very much. 

i read this in less two days, i ate this!!!!.

your form to write it formidable, becouse you don't stop in every details, but just most important.

The character of janeway, the dark side.... i love it!.

thanks for share this story!!!!

Saludos y Besos!!!!! 

Chapter 1
Reviewer: dago (Anonymous)
25/04/11 - 07:53 pm

Thanks for putting your wonderfull story here.... it esaier to read here than on ;-)

This story is great!!!!

I really liked J's brother... hope we will see him again ;-)



Chapter 1
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 08:39 am
***roaring crowd*** meets **thunderous applause**
That was WOW! I loved the action, the intrigue, the mant twists and turns kept me in suspense itching to know what was coming next. A fantastic tale!!
Chapter 17
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 08:17 am
DYAMN!! Get him girl! I would've kicked his ass too!
Chapter 9
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 07:49 am
Whoa...that's one ...incredible steamy kiss!
Lol!!!! "It's a shuttle, Seven!" Haha!! That was flippin hilarious!
Chapter 8
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 07:32 am
Haha!! Loved the doctor and gretchen in this chapter.
Chapter 7
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 07:12 am
Whoa. That's some pretty gruesome **read heavy, insidious, ** torture. No wonder she's a darker, more dangerous woman. ;)
Chapter 6
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 06:59 am
Such vivid discriptions of the gala. Love it! I am loving the intrigue!
Chapter 5
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 06:40 am
Okay, I have to comment on the obvious first. Miral is too cute! She's the perfect blend of tom and b'elanna. a lot of imp with a hearty helping of attitude. And poor Chakotay, but he had it coming as Tom suggested.
Chapter 4
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 06:28 am
Love the sparring! Both physical and verbal. Poor Chakotay. Everytime he thinks he has the upper hand, it's snatched back.
Chapter 3
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 06:24 am
OMG!OMG! **rushes to the next chapter**
Chapter 2
Reviewer: Nyah (Signed)
25/04/11 - 06:16 am
:o !!! Oh my! I'm sitting up straighter now. Ouch for Chakotay. Both physically and emotitonally
Chapter 1
Reviewer: ValerieR (Anonymous)
23/04/11 - 09:43 pm
great story, but you surely aren't finished.  there are some unanswered questions, such as are they really safe, who is Alyssa, what happens to Section 31 and all their operatives.  Just piddly little things like that 8>))
Chapter 17
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